Starting out as a freelance digital marketer can be overwhelming because of the large amount of information available to you. You have read through dozens of e-books, articles/blog posts, newsletters but you just cannot seem to keep up. If that sounds like you then you are not alone. Other newcomer freelance digital marketers have been in a similar dilemma. This is where online marketing courses come in.
Free online courses on digital marketing gather all the information you need in one place in the form of lessons (these are often in video format but may also include transcripts), with quizzes, resources, and in some cases an exam and a certificate.
If you are just getting started as a freelance digital marketer there’s no doubt that you’re looking for the best free courses. Well, you are in the right place. Whether you’re looking for a short lesson or certification course this list has got it all. Our team has compiled 8 free online marketing courses to get you started as a freelance digital marketer.
Benefits of free online courses on digital marketing
Before we delve into the world of free online courses let’s highlight a few reasons why you need these courses:
They are self-paced: there’s no pressure with online courses because you can always go at your own pace and this is perfect for a freelance digital marketer who has a tight schedule.
They get you clients: If you are currently struggling to book clients then maybe try enrolling in an online course today. You can wow prospective clients with the knowledge and expertise you have gathered from online marketing courses.
They allow for specialization: Starting out as a digital marketer can be tricky especially because there are so many forms of marketing. As a newbie in the field you may be asking yourself which type of marketing should I specialize in. With the help of specialized online marketing courses, you can uncover your marketing niche.
They are free: All of the courses listed are free. Is that not exciting? So there are no worries if you are on a tight budget. Please note that some of these courses may require you to pay before you can access your certificate, however; the rates are a lot cheaper than other courses.
Free Online Digital Marketing Courses By Skill Category
Digital marketers usually need to have a large array of skills and capabilities and that is why our team has organized these courses by skill category. Whether you want to write copy that converts, generate leads with email, create compelling designs or implement a fantastic social media strategy this list has got you covered. Here are 8 free online marketing courses to help you get started as a freelance digital marketer:
Social Media Marketing/Strategy Courses
Social media marketing is here for the long run as more and more online businesses utilize platforms like Instagram to sell, advertise and promote their products/services. This is why you need social media strategy skills as a freelance digital marketer. Social media marketing is a great way to create brand awareness, and receive a return on investment for your clients so why not learn how to do it right. Grow your clients’ businesses and convert with the following courses:
Copywriting/Content Marketing Courses
The two most important skills of a freelance digital marketer are effective copywriting & content marketing skills. You have probably heard the phrase “everything is copy” before, well that is 100% correct. The content on blogs, billboards, social media, etc are examples of copy. Copywriting is about writing copy that urges your reader to take action.
With effective copy and content writing skills, you can help your clients scale up. Boost your client’s sales and achieve business goals by enrolling in these courses:
Once you’re done with these courses you’d want to start applying your knowledge, check out: how to make money through copywriting.
Content Creation Courses/Graphic Design
Did you know that the human brain processes images 60,000 times faster than text? The power of images cannot be understated, in fact in 2019 the graphic design industry gained $15 billion in revenue. This tells you that graphic design is essential but most importantly that it is a lucrative skill. Creating compelling graphics and content is a huge part of digital marketing. Whether you want to create eye-catching infographics or social media templates these courses are bound to improve your graphic design skills. With exceptional graphic design skills, you can attract more clients. Start creating graphics that attract your clients’ audience with the following courses:
Email Marketing Courses
Email is the future! Email Marketing like social media marketing is a huge part of your sales funnel. With email marketing, you get to have more detailed information on your customers, and that way you can create segmented emails that coincide with their specific stage in their buyer’s journey. Email marketing can be a great way to not just make sales but to build long-lasting relationships with your clients, customers, and stakeholders. Start creating great emails with the following courses:
Take your time, go at your own pace and try to niche down your client offerings as much as possible. You should also note that it is important to know how to do everything as a freelance digital marketer, however; you still need to have a specialization and make it known to current and prospective clients.
Freelance work may be challenging but if you stick with the courses listed above and implement them into your clients’ projects you are sure to achieve success.
About The Author
Daniella Haastrup graduated with a degree in Mass Communication and currently works as a Social Media Manager. Her expertise lies in social media marketing and content marketing/copywriting. When she’s not working towards representing a brand on social media you’ll find her buried in a book or listening to showtunes. You can contact her via LinkedIn, Instagram or Twitter
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